Scheduled  maintenance every Wednesday, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET.

Ticket Details

Subject: Optical network Kamloops to Vernon
Category: Outage
TicketID: 20210806-001
Start Time: 2021-08-05 20:53:18 EDT (2021-08-06 00:53:18 UTC)
End Time: 2021-10-06 13:16:08 EDT (2021-10-06 17:16:08 UTC)


=== Updated by: Richard Klinger on 2021-12-14 16:02:50 EST (2021-12-14 21:02:50 UTC) ===


=== Updated by: Joshua Muysson on 2021-08-10 17:22:44 EDT (2021-08-10 21:22:44 UTC) ===

The Provider has been contacted for update. Due to the risk of the ongoing fires, they have no update at this time nor is there an ETR.

=== Updated by: Jun Jian on 2021-08-09 08:36:48 EDT (2021-08-09 12:36:48 UTC) ===

The outage persists. No new update is available currently. The case has been escalated. 

=== Updated by: Jun Jian on 2021-08-06 08:16:22 EDT (2021-08-06 12:16:22 UTC) ===

The provider is still assessing the situation and seeking the possibility of reroute. Update will be sent out as soon as information becomes available.

=== Updated by: Jun Jian on 2021-08-05 23:47:54 EDT (2021-08-06 03:47:54 UTC) ===

The provider informed that their transport system including fiber between Kamloops and Vernon are damaged by wildfires.  Technicians have been dispatched to the site to assess the situation. ETR is unavailable currently. 

=== Created by: Jun Jian on 2021-08-05 23:18:39 EDT (2021-08-06 03:18:39 UTC) ===

Canarie optical network between Kamloops and Vernon BC went down started at the time noted above. Fiber cut is suspected and the provider has been contacted. Update will be sent out as soon as information becomes available.

BCNET 100G circuit between Kamloops and Kelowna is being affected.