Scheduled  maintenance every Wednesday, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET.

Ticket Details

Subject: Bell Montreal - Halifax Links Down
Category: Outage
TicketID: 20210908-002
Start Time: 2021-09-08 08:49:00 EDT (2021-09-08 12:49:00 UTC)
End Time: 2021-09-08 22:40:00 EDT (2021-09-09 02:40:00 UTC)


=== Updated by: Tao Zhang on 2021-09-09 11:25:09 EDT (2021-09-09 15:25:09 UTC) ===

Links have been restored. Closing ticket.

=== Updated by: Tao Zhang on 2021-09-08 21:34:32 EDT (2021-09-09 01:34:32 UTC) ===

There is fiber break on the link. Bell technician is on-site and doing the splicing. ETA is between 10pm - 11pm tonight.

=== Created by: Tao Zhang on 2021-09-08 10:36:03 EDT (2021-09-08 14:36:03 UTC) ===

Both Bell Montreal - Halifax links went down at the time above.


MTRL3 - HLFX1 100G

Tikcet has been open with Bell, ticket number: I5838435