Scheduled  maintenance every Wednesday, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET.

Ticket Details

Subject: Montreal optical network issue
Category: Outage
TicketID: 20240215-001
Start Time: 2024-02-14 21:47:34 EST (2024-02-15 02:47:34 UTC)
End Time: 2024-02-15 23:10:00 EST (2024-02-16 04:10:00 UTC)


=== Updated by: Richard Klinger on 2024-02-16 10:35:11 EST (2024-02-16 15:35:11 UTC) ===

Closing ticket

=== Updated by: Richard Klinger on 2024-02-16 10:34:30 EST (2024-02-16 15:34:30 UTC) ===

Service were restored last night after fiber was repaired. Span loss has been restored to prior values indicating a good splice. No further outage expected related to this incident.

=== Updated by: Richard Klinger on 2024-02-15 19:28:31 EST (2024-02-16 00:28:31 UTC) ===

Fiber repair work has begun.  Fiber provider has approximated service restoration within the next three hours.

=== Updated by: Richard Klinger on 2024-02-15 14:56:17 EST (2024-02-15 19:56:17 UTC) ===

Fiber team forecasts electrical and fire repairs to be complete within 4 hours at which time fiber work will begin.

=== Updated by: Richard Klinger on 2024-02-15 10:04:00 EST (2024-02-15 15:04:00 UTC) ===

Fiber team is on site, in a hold-state.  Authorization to begin repairs after fire damage from electricity and fire teams.  No ETR is known. 

=== Updated by: Richard Klinger on 2024-02-15 07:45:33 EST (2024-02-15 12:45:33 UTC) ===

Requesting updates from fiber provider.  Due to vendor process changes there was a delayed in response. 

=== Created by: Richard Klinger on 2024-02-14 21:03:26 EST (2024-02-15 02:03:26 UTC) ===

We have observed a fiber outage in Montreal and are investigating.  

The following services are being affected:

Wavelength Service:

100G Montreal-NYC

BGP Peering:
Internet2 (Montrel-MANLAN)
ESNet (Montrel-MANLAN)
Qatar (Montrel-MANLAN)
NORDUnet (Montrel-MANLAN)

L2 Circuits:
