Scheduled  maintenance every Wednesday, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM ET.

Ticket Details

Subject: Fiber cut between SpringHill and Truro, NS
Category: Outage
TicketID: 20241118-001
Start Time: 2024-11-18 01:32:25 EST (2024-11-18 06:32:25 UTC)
End Time: 2024-11-18 18:05:00 EST (2024-11-18 23:05:00 UTC)


=== Updated by: Andrew Lytvynov on 2024-11-19 15:04:39 EST (2024-11-19 20:04:39 UTC) ===

The circuit provider has resolved the fiber cut. The circuit is now operational. Ticket closed.

=== Created by: Richard Klinger on 2024-11-18 10:29:01 EST (2024-11-18 15:29:01 UTC) ===

There is a fiber cut between SpringHill and Truro, NS.
Field technician has identified the break location. Splicers have been engaged and are headed to site.